Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Library

This compositional piece came about without any real thought or decision to create something filled with meaning. I was having a good day getting many things accomplished, and had the urge to finish off this assignment along with the others that had been checked off my list.

I wandered around my room hitting things and thinking about what I could use to create a piece. I fell upon my book shelf, and began thinking of the many sounds a book can make. Then I thought, that isn't enough. Paper and books. Scribbles, crumbles, etc. These are things you'd hear in a library or classroom. Wonderful, we have something here. Now how can I keep track of all these sounds in some organized way? I don't have a beat...or at least one that's interesting. Then I thought how perfect it'd be to have words keep the rhythm.

I found the instructions to a final essay and copied them into Word. Perfect.

I printed everything off and had fun drawing pictures and imagining how it'd all turn out. In the end it was alright. I'd prefer to compose with actual instruments in the future.

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